Ramallah & Al-Bireh Governorate
Address: 25 Abu Obaydah Street, Al-Bireh, Palestine
Fax: +972 2 2964680
Email: info@delta.ps

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Opening Hour
Ramallah & Al-Bireh Governorate
Sat - Wed 8:30 - 16:30, Thur 8:30 - 15:30
Ramallah & Al-Bireh Governorate
+972 2 2964466
Ramallah & Al-Bireh Governorate , Support: +972 2 2964466

H.265 1HDD 10ch PSE NVR


Tiandy PSE NVR can supply power to IPC, providing more convenient network. Spark NVR is available now which is designed for the channel market. Spark NVR leads the market with extremely low prices through extreme cost control from planning, R&D, production and other processes. PSE NVR also includes Lite N NVR, Lite K NVR, Pro NVR to meet different usage needs

Part No. TC-R3110 Spec: I/B/P8/K/V3.1

Category Network Video Recorders

HD Input

• S+265/H.265/S+264/H.264 video formats
• Connectable to the third-party network cameras
• Support live view, storage, and playback of the
connected camera at up to 8MP resolution
HD Output
• 1×HDMI and 1×VGA simultaneous outputs
• HDMI Video output at up to 4K resolution
HD Storage
• 1 SATA interface, up to 10TB for 1 HDD
• S+265 compression effectively reduces the storage
space and costs by up to 75%
HD Transmission
• 1×RJ45 self-adaptive 10/100 Mbps network
• PoE Port: 8×RJ45 self-adaptive 10/100 Mbps

H.265 1HDD 10ch PSE NVR

H.265 1HDD 10ch PSE NVR

HD Input

• S+265/H.265/S+264/H.264 video formats
• Connectable to the third-party network cameras
• Support live view, storage, and playback of the
connected camera at up to 8MP resolution
HD Output
• 1×HDMI and 1×VGA simultaneous outputs
• HDMI Video output at up to 4K resolution
HD Storage
• 1 SATA interface, up to 10TB for 1 HDD
• S+265 compression effectively reduces the storage
space and costs by up to 75%
HD Transmission
• 1×RJ45 self-adaptive 10/100 Mbps network
• PoE Port: 8×RJ45 self-adaptive 10/100 Mbps

Part No. TC-R3110 Spec: I/B/P8/K/V3.1
Category Network Video Recorders


HD Input

• S+265/H.265/S+264/H.264 video formats
• Connectable to the third-party network cameras
• Support live view, storage, and playback of the
connected camera at up to 8MP resolution
HD Output
• 1×HDMI and 1×VGA simultaneous outputs
• HDMI Video output at up to 4K resolution
HD Storage
• 1 SATA interface, up to 10TB for 1 HDD
• S+265 compression effectively reduces the storage
space and costs by up to 75%
HD Transmission
• 1×RJ45 self-adaptive 10/100 Mbps network
• PoE Port: 8×RJ45 self-adaptive 10/100 Mbps
