Ramallah & Al-Bireh Governorate
Address: 25 Abu Obaydah Street, Al-Bireh, Palestine
Fax: +972 2 2964680
Email: info@delta.ps

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Opening Hour
Ramallah & Al-Bireh Governorate
Sat - Wed 8:30 - 16:30, Thur 8:30 - 15:30
Ramallah & Al-Bireh Governorate
+972 2 2964466
Ramallah & Al-Bireh Governorate , Support: +972 2 2964466

Repeater Panel

Part No. AA45R

Category EN54 Approved Analog Addressable Panels

 Compatible with AA504 FACPs.
 One to one simulation as panel.
 Very thin design.
 Metal Case.
 128×64 Graphic LCD Display.
 16 Zone Leds.
 RS485 Interface.
 No need extra card or device.
 Direct connection to FACP.

Repeater Panel

Repeater Panel

 Compatible with AA504 FACPs.
 One to one simulation as panel.
 Very thin design.
 Metal Case.
 128×64 Graphic LCD Display.
 16 Zone Leds.
 RS485 Interface.
 No need extra card or device.
 Direct connection to FACP.

Part No. AA45R
Category EN54 Approved Analog Addressable Panels


 Compatible with AA504 FACPs.
 One to one simulation as panel.
 Very thin design.
 Metal Case.
 128×64 Graphic LCD Display.
 16 Zone Leds.
 RS485 Interface.
 No need extra card or device.
 Direct connection to FACP.
