Ramallah & Al-Bireh Governorate
Address: 25 Abu Obaydah Street, Al-Bireh, Palestine
Fax: +972 2 2964680
Email: info@delta.ps

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Ramallah & Al-Bireh Governorate
Sat - Wed 8:30 - 16:30, Thur 8:30 - 15:30
Ramallah & Al-Bireh Governorate
+972 2 2964466
Ramallah & Al-Bireh Governorate , Support: +972 2 2964466

Stark Wireless Indoor Siren (with repeater).

The indoor wireless acousto-optic siren adopts 8 bits MCU technology, built-in 16 two-color LED lights and 1 high-decibel buzzers. The indoor wireless acouusto-optic siren not only can connect with the alarm host via wireless transmission, but also can be u ed as an alarm host and a repeater. it is widely used in banks,shops and villas etc. There are a high-decibel sound output and highlight flashes when a signal is triggered,causing the intruder to flee the scene in a panic,strengthening alarm deterrence and improving the safety of the protection environment.

Part No. ST-6108W

Category Wireless Smart Alarm
  • Used as a repeater, it can transmit 32 wireless accessories.
  • 3 colors of indicator lights flashing modes.
  • Acousto-optic notice when operating arm/disarm.
  • Support 8 remote controls,32 detectors.
  • Adjustable light brightness on standby status.
  • A strong deterrence with loudness alarm sound and dazzling warning lights.


Stark Wireless Indoor Siren (with repeater).

Stark  Wireless Indoor Siren (with repeater).
  • Used as a repeater, it can transmit 32 wireless accessories.
  • 3 colors of indicator lights flashing modes.
  • Acousto-optic notice when operating arm/disarm.
  • Support 8 remote controls,32 detectors.
  • Adjustable light brightness on standby status.
  • A strong deterrence with loudness alarm sound and dazzling warning lights.


Part No. ST-6108W
Category Wireless Smart Alarm


  • Used as a repeater, it can transmit 32 wireless accessories.
  • 3 colors of indicator lights flashing modes.
  • Acousto-optic notice when operating arm/disarm.
  • Support 8 remote controls,32 detectors.
  • Adjustable light brightness on standby status.
  • A strong deterrence with loudness alarm sound and dazzling warning lights.

