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Time Attendance & Access Control Terminal

ZKTeco's newly released iFace1000 Semi-Outdoor Multi-Biometric Time Attendance & Access Control Terminal which supports 3,000 face templates, 4,000 fingerprint templates and 10,000 cards (optional).

It is the first terminal equipped with a high-performance camera, which enables outdoor installation under the eaves.

It is also equipped with ZKTeco latest platform and algorithm, which provide clients with a brand new UI and user-friendly operating interface, bringing them a smooth user experience. With the advanced face algorithm and multi-biometric verification technology, the terminal’s security level of verification is greatly enhanced.

Part No. ZK IFace 1000

Category Time Attendance Terminals
  • 3,000 face and 4,000 fingerprint templates
  • One face template is registered for one user only
  • Outside installation (maximum 12,000 lux)

Time Attendance & Access Control Terminal

Time Attendance & Access Control Terminal
  • 3,000 face and 4,000 fingerprint templates
  • One face template is registered for one user only
  • Outside installation (maximum 12,000 lux)
Part No. ZK IFace 1000
Category Time Attendance Terminals


  • 3,000 face and 4,000 fingerprint templates
  • One face template is registered for one user only
  • Outside installation (maximum 12,000 lux)