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DC Power Supply and Battery Charger


VA-6000BC is mainly used in VA-6000 system to provide stable and reliable spare DC power when there is no AC power supply.

Part No. VA-6000BC

Category Voice Evacuation System
  • Select charging mode automatically.
  • Storage battery failure, overvoltage, over-temperature and overtime charging detection.
  • Automatic temperature control fan and overheating protection.
  • Storage battery can be changed, will not be influenced by the change of AC power supply.
  • Build-in battery charge management and monitoring circuit. When connected to AC power, DC 24V will be off automatically.
  • Storage battery adopts two DC 24V lead-acid batteries or one DC 24V lead-acid battery.
  • Selecting charging mode automatically, to ensure safety charging and service life: pre-charge->constant current->trickle charge.
  • High charging efficiency and restore efficiency. Storage battery fault detection, overvoltage detection, over-temperature detection and overtime charging detection.
  • Being suitable for multiple volumetric battery <=200Ah.
  • Dual internet interfaces, can realize hand in hand connection

DC Power Supply and Battery Charger

DC Power Supply and Battery Charger
  • Select charging mode automatically.
  • Storage battery failure, overvoltage, over-temperature and overtime charging detection.
  • Automatic temperature control fan and overheating protection.
  • Storage battery can be changed, will not be influenced by the change of AC power supply.
  • Build-in battery charge management and monitoring circuit. When connected to AC power, DC 24V will be off automatically.
  • Storage battery adopts two DC 24V lead-acid batteries or one DC 24V lead-acid battery.
  • Selecting charging mode automatically, to ensure safety charging and service life: pre-charge->constant current->trickle charge.
  • High charging efficiency and restore efficiency. Storage battery fault detection, overvoltage detection, over-temperature detection and overtime charging detection.
  • Being suitable for multiple volumetric battery <=200Ah.
  • Dual internet interfaces, can realize hand in hand connection
Part No. VA-6000BC
Category Voice Evacuation System


  • Select charging mode automatically.
  • Storage battery failure, overvoltage, over-temperature and overtime charging detection.
  • Automatic temperature control fan and overheating protection.
  • Storage battery can be changed, will not be influenced by the change of AC power supply.
  • Build-in battery charge management and monitoring circuit. When connected to AC power, DC 24V will be off automatically.
  • Storage battery adopts two DC 24V lead-acid batteries or one DC 24V lead-acid battery.
  • Selecting charging mode automatically, to ensure safety charging and service life: pre-charge->constant current->trickle charge.
  • High charging efficiency and restore efficiency. Storage battery fault detection, overvoltage detection, over-temperature detection and overtime charging detection.
  • Being suitable for multiple volumetric battery <=200Ah.
  • Dual internet interfaces, can realize hand in hand connection