Ramallah & Al-Bireh Governorate HQ
Address: 25 Abu Obaydah Street, Al-Bireh, Palestine
Fax: +972 2 2964680
Email: info@delta.ps

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Ramallah & Al-Bireh Governorate HQ
Sat - Wed 8:30 - 16:30, Thur 8:30 - 15:30
Ramallah & Al-Bireh Governorate HQ
+972 2 2964466
Ramallah & Al-Bireh Governorate HQ , Support: +972 2 2964466

GSM/ PSTN Auto Dialer LCD

This GSM dialer is designed to compatible with any wired alarm panel, It is simple to install and easy to maintain.

Part No.

Category Detectors | Sounders | Accessories
  • Supports both GSM and PSTN networks
  • Quad Band: 850/90/1800/1900 MHz
  • 2 sections voice record (every one max1 minutes)
  • 20 alarm memory number, 1-10 SMS number and 11-20 dialing number.
  • 4 operation trigger inputs +/-
  • 4 controller outputs by SMS
  • Friendly LCD display operation
  • Remote monitoring site and talking via phone
  • Arm anf disarm the alarm system by SMS and keypad
  • Free charges. the call from authorized number control Output 4 turn ON/OFF

GSM/ PSTN Auto Dialer LCD

GSM/ PSTN Auto Dialer LCD
  • Supports both GSM and PSTN networks
  • Quad Band: 850/90/1800/1900 MHz
  • 2 sections voice record (every one max1 minutes)
  • 20 alarm memory number, 1-10 SMS number and 11-20 dialing number.
  • 4 operation trigger inputs +/-
  • 4 controller outputs by SMS
  • Friendly LCD display operation
  • Remote monitoring site and talking via phone
  • Arm anf disarm the alarm system by SMS and keypad
  • Free charges. the call from authorized number control Output 4 turn ON/OFF
Part No.
Category Detectors | Sounders | Accessories


  • Supports both GSM and PSTN networks
  • Quad Band: 850/90/1800/1900 MHz
  • 2 sections voice record (every one max1 minutes)
  • 20 alarm memory number, 1-10 SMS number and 11-20 dialing number.
  • 4 operation trigger inputs +/-
  • 4 controller outputs by SMS
  • Friendly LCD display operation
  • Remote monitoring site and talking via phone
  • Arm anf disarm the alarm system by SMS and keypad
  • Free charges. the call from authorized number control Output 4 turn ON/OFF