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EN-54 PAL3004 Extinguishant Control Panel - FireSafe

The automatic extinguisher control panel is designed in accordance with standards EN54-2 and EN54-4 Fire Detection and Fire Alarm systems - Control and Indicating Equipment and EN12094-1 Fixed firefighting systems - Components for gas extinguishing systems - Part 1: Requirements and test methods for electrical automatic control and delay devices.

The control equipment is a combined fire alarm control panel and extinguishing system and has four detection zones, any or all of which are capable of contributing to the extinguishant release decision.
Control panels have an integral, mains powered battery charger and power supply designed in accordance with the requirements of EN54-4.

Part No. PAL3004

Category Extinguishing Control Panels & Accessories
  • Delay of extinguishing signal of up to 75 seconds.
  • Signal representing the flow of extinguishing agent to indicate the released condition. 
  • Monitoring of the status of components by way of a low pressure switch input.
  • Emergency hold device to enable the extinguishant delay time to be extended.
  • Control of flooding time to deactivate the releasing output after a set period of time.
  • Manual only mode to disable the release of extinguishant via automatic detection devices.
  • Triggering of equipment outside the system by way of first and second stage contacts, extract fan output etc. 
  • Activation of alarm devices with different signals to indicate pre-discharge and released warnings using different sounds.

EN-54 PAL3004 Extinguishant Control Panel - FireSafe

EN-54 PAL3004 Extinguishant Control Panel - FireSafe
  • Delay of extinguishing signal of up to 75 seconds.
  • Signal representing the flow of extinguishing agent to indicate the released condition. 
  • Monitoring of the status of components by way of a low pressure switch input.
  • Emergency hold device to enable the extinguishant delay time to be extended.
  • Control of flooding time to deactivate the releasing output after a set period of time.
  • Manual only mode to disable the release of extinguishant via automatic detection devices.
  • Triggering of equipment outside the system by way of first and second stage contacts, extract fan output etc. 
  • Activation of alarm devices with different signals to indicate pre-discharge and released warnings using different sounds.
Part No. PAL3004
Category Extinguishing Control Panels & Accessories


  • Delay of extinguishing signal of up to 75 seconds.
  • Signal representing the flow of extinguishing agent to indicate the released condition. 
  • Monitoring of the status of components by way of a low pressure switch input.
  • Emergency hold device to enable the extinguishant delay time to be extended.
  • Control of flooding time to deactivate the releasing output after a set period of time.
  • Manual only mode to disable the release of extinguishant via automatic detection devices.
  • Triggering of equipment outside the system by way of first and second stage contacts, extract fan output etc. 
  • Activation of alarm devices with different signals to indicate pre-discharge and released warnings using different sounds.