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Apollo Soteria UL Isolator - 7th Ed

The Isolator is placed at intervals on the loop and ensures that, in the case of a short circuit, only the section between the isolators will be affected. When the short circuit is removed, the isolators automatically restore power and data to the isolated section.

Part No. 55000-750USA

Category UL/FM Apollo Detectors | Bases | Modules
  • Detects wiring short-circuits using patented technology
  • Minimizes disruption from short-circuits
  • Automatic de-isolation on short-circuit removal
  • Up to 20 devices may be installed between isolators

Apollo Soteria UL Isolator - 7th Ed

Apollo Soteria UL Isolator - 7th Ed
  • Detects wiring short-circuits using patented technology
  • Minimizes disruption from short-circuits
  • Automatic de-isolation on short-circuit removal
  • Up to 20 devices may be installed between isolators
Part No. 55000-750USA
Category UL/FM Apollo Detectors | Bases | Modules


  • Detects wiring short-circuits using patented technology
  • Minimizes disruption from short-circuits
  • Automatic de-isolation on short-circuit removal
  • Up to 20 devices may be installed between isolators